
My name is Tony and I wander around the woods.

I used to have a blog that burnt me out with ideology and philosophy. This blog will, hopefully, not be like that one. It was largely about "big ideas," sometimes mixed with rants and more personal stuff, doubled as a practice space for writing, and as I said it burnt me out. I feel like I've well enough established who I am. I'm more-or-less passed ideas (although of course one can never stop exploring oneself) and now I yearn for experience. However, I'm proud of most of the stuff I posted there, so if you'd like to read any of it you can check it out at tonyisnt.wordpress.com.

This blog is going to be about wandering, about nature in a greater sense, skills, rewilding to a larger extent, and to a lesser extent re-skilling—a phrase I recently saw someone use and decided I was going to steal. Mostly it will be about wandering; I tried to make the title reflect that as much as possible. I'm sorry the URL ended up being so long and maybe hard to remember. If you feel like following you can always subscribe or bookmark it, or I might think about changing the URL someday. It'll work for now.

I am a guy in my early 20s born, raised, and residing in the north of Michigan's lower peninsula. I'm bored with modernity, have concluded that civilization will slowly and eventually collapse, and I believe ancient people had a lot of good things going for them. I'm something of a minimalist, and though the word has different connotations for different people, many of them negative, I guess you could say I'm a primitivist as well.

Often I get an idea to do or make something when I don't know how to do it. My general philosophy on this is it can't be that hard. I'm usually right. I also feel that there are many things I don't need in my life; if people didn't have it for 200,000-2 million years (depending on when you believe "people" came around) I can do without it as well.

But, like I said, this blog isn't going to be about ideology.

That's it. Concise enough, right? I hope so.

Please don't comment pointing out that I'm using a computer. I know and I'm dealing with it.

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